Small Biz Grant Opens Today

Happy Funday! I have some good news to share. The US Chamber of Commerce is offering one-time $5,000 grants to small biz/nonprofits who have 3-20 employees (including yourself and not including independent contractors). The business must be located in an economically vulnerable community. The application will ask for your zip code to determine this. Get…

Reflect & Redirect

Good Funday morning All! I hope you are healthy and staying safe during this time. Since we are staying home to “flatten the curve”, consider the quote below. Our priorities have certainly been changed for us right now. But the real question is, will they continue to be changed when the world resumes “normalcy?” Will…

Blessed Stress

Happy Funday! Why should we be happy? Because we are not in control, and COVID19 is proving it. Because we are blessed to have the one true God who is in control. Jesus said that those who follow Him would have life abundant. Abundant-plentiful, ample, full, lavish. None of these convey “no trials or sorrows.”…

What if it’s Better?

Good Funday Morning, Friends! In this world of uncertainty, and I suppose much fear right now, I ask you to consider the quote below. Yes, COVID19 is real and somewhat scary, but what if? What if it brings families back around a dinner table? What if it creates more business than you could have imagined?…

Selfish Self-Care

Good Funday Morning! It’s Spring Break for us, so I am doing some self-care, taking a break and spending time with my family. We enjoy taking our camper to RV parks to vacation. There’s no alarm clocks and plenty of bike rides, naps in the hammock, s’mores by the fire, games to play, movies to…

Dreams come True

Happy FUNday!! Yes, Mondays can be Fundays! This quote really spoke to me this past week: “Get excited and enthusiastic about you own dream. This excitement is like a forest fire – you can smell it, taste it, and see it from a mile away.” Denis Waitley Why did it speak to me? Well, taking…

Giving Time

Good Funday Morning!! I hope you had a great weekend and spent your time wisely. Speaking of time, I came across this familiar quote below the other day. It’s from Zig Ziglar, so it’s not new or innovative, just true. It’s also why Compacity does not charge for the first meeting with a faith-based or…

Take a break

Good Funday Afternoon!?! Where did the day go? So sorry to be late, but I’m here now with something important. Most of you know by now I strongly support self-care, especially in nonprofits where we tend to work ourselves ragged. The quote below turned out to be true for me several times in the past…

The Three C’s

Good Funday Morning! I hope you awoke having made the choice to take a chance today to create, cause and/or make changes to your world. As a parent, the thing that I most tried to instill in my children is that choices have consequences. Those can be good or bad, but still they come with…